We’re all increasingly concerned about climate change. And we’re all looking at how we can all make contributions to living more sustainably. One small part of that can be choosing sustainable luxury holiday accommodation. At Villa Gabriella we’ve taken a number of actions to reduce our carbon footprint, making your holiday more sustainable.

Aside from small details like offering recycling bins, our on-site herb garden, energy efficient appliances and window switching for our air conditioning, our biggest action is the installation of our 22 panel solar PV array on the roof. It’s busy sucking up all that energy from the glorious Greek sunshine – from sunrise to sunset. Alongside the two additional panels that provide all our hot water using solar thermal technology, they make a massive reduction to our carbon footprint.
The solar PV was installed in July 2019, so it’s just had its’ fifth birthday. In those five years we’ve generated 42.3 MWh of electricity, about 3% more than we’ve used. And the balance goes back to the Greek national grid.
That’s saved some 16,590 tonnes of CO2. It’s also the equivalent to planting 495 trees – that’s a small forest in its own right!
So how much electricity is 42.3 MWh?
So what exactly could you do with 42.3 MWh of electricity aside from power Villa Gabriella and our guests’ luxury holidays? Well, you could drive an electric car around the world almost six times. Or toast about 3.8 million slices of bread. Or it would run our Villa Gabriella fridge for about 120 years and that’s enough time to enjoy a few cold beers, glasses of chilled wine or even an iced coffee or two …. all whilst soaking up the sunshine and gazing at one of the finest views in the Ionian during your sustainable luxury holiday.
To book one of only three remaining weeks in 2024 check our availability here and get in touch.